Esto ya es lo ultimo, spam con amenazas

No contentos con mandar spam con links, adjuntos, etc.

Ahora aparece el spam amenazante, te mandan un correo diciendo que estas venga a mandarle correos con virus y te mandan un correo como el siguiente con un adjunto… a saber lo que hay ahí dentro. Seguro que te están reenviando el virus que supuestamente le has enviado tu. 😀

Que simpáticos, no os dignéis ni a contestar… y mucho menos abrir el adjunto.

El email que he recibido es el siguiente:

«To Whom It May Concern:

I am tired of receiving messages containing malicious computer programs (viruses) from your e-mail address!!!
If within 1-2 days you do not stop sending messages to my e-mail address, I will have to address this issue to the Police!...
Today I received a hard copy of your data logs from my Internet service provider. The copy contains your IP address, logs of sending malicious programs and your e-mail address details...

I am sending you the copy of the document containing your data and logs of sending malicious programs as the proof of your fault!!!!!!
You must print the document containing the list of your data and logs of sending malicious programs and pass it on to your Internet service provider with, so that they could find out why the viruses are sent from your computer to my e-mail address!!!!

Ask your Internet service provider to resolve this problem!!!!

Do this now!!!
Once again!!! If you don't stop sending the letters, I will address to the Police and file a lawsuit against you!!!

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